V5 - Real map - start 17.05 godz.20.00 Free points start 17.05 real map 8.6
Uwaga ! NARVIA.EU znowu startuje! 17.05 GODZINA 20.00 ~ Jest to edycja V5 - Wszystkie błedy z V4 zostały wyelimonowane. Zapewniam was, że na Narvi V5 Będzię się grało o wiele lepiej niż na pozostałych edycjach. Zostało dodano ponad 6 nowych WYSP!
Port: 7171
Client: 8.60
Connection: 100 mbit
Location: Poland
• 1-50 - x200
• 51-100 - x100
• 101-120 - x50
• 121-140 - x25
• 141-160 - x15
• 161-180 - x10
• 181-200 - x5
• >200 - x2
Skills: x30
Magic level: x20
Loot: x3
Spawn: x2
Houses: 100 lvl
Protection: 50 lvl
Skull system
Red Skull (24h):
20 unjustified kills per a day
100 unjustified kills per a week
300 unjustified kills per a month
Black Skull (36h):
40 unjustified kills per a day
200 unjustified kills per a week
600 unjustified kills per a month
Pz locked: 60 sec
Frag time: 6h
White skull time: 10 min
Real war system
Towns (all 8.60)
Thais, Carlin ,Venore ,Ab'dendriel ,Edron, Ankrahmun, Darashia, Liberty bay, Svargrond, Yalahar, Oken, Pyre, Gengia, Farmine+ZAO and new - Narvik, Larvik, Ghenov with new Exp Places (over 20)
!bless - to buy all blessings (10cc)
!aol - to buy aol (5cc)
!soft - to repair soft boots (1cc)
!fire or !firewalkers - to repair firewalkers boots (1cc)
/bg - to send blue message for whole guild (leaders only)
!buyhouse - buy a house
!leavehouse - leave a house
!changender - to change your sex
!ggo - guild outfit changer (only for leaders)
!go - to set party members outfit
!frags - to see your frags
/war - to start war
!save - to save your character
Demon Oak Quest
Fire Axe Quest
Paradox Tower Quest
Sam old backpack Quest
Banshee Quest
Demon Helmet Quest
Black Knight Quest
Koshei The Deathless Quest
Vocation quest
Annihilator Quest
Behemoth Quest
The Inquisition Quest
Pits of Inferno Quest
Postman Mission Quest
Firewalkers Boots Quest
Deeper Fibula Quest
Barbarian Arena Quest
and others wesoły
20k for reaching level 20
Weapon for reaching level 60
100k for reching level 100
50 premium points for reching level 150!
50 premium points for reching level 175!
100 premium points for reching level 200!
Na co czekasz, rób konto![/CENTER]
[CENTER]Zdjęcia z mapy:
Narvia v5 Depo:

Narvia v5 Depo +1:

Narvia dpo 3 :

Narvia temple :

Narvia Training :
[CENTER][SIZE="7"]Nie czekaj, rób konto![/SIZE][/CENTER]